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Every women's hormone therapy visit at Mountain River, IV, Health, and Wellness begins with thorough lab work, around an hour consultation reviewing the results and establishing a plan, then monitoring the results and making adjustments to the plan. Optimizing hormones " levels we had in our youth is beneficial to both our health and quality of life. Enjoy the benefits of bioidentical hormones and avoid the detrimental effects of synthetic hormones. Conventional medicine believes heart disease, stroke, cancer, senility and more, are all part of the normal aging process. However, slowing down the aging process prevents the symptoms and illness' associated with aging by maintaining our hormone levels to that at a youthful state with optimal hormone supplementation." Dr. Neal Rouzier, M.D.
Hormones are molecules that are synthesized and secreted by specialized cells, which are frequently localized in endocrine glands. Hormones are released into the circulation and have biochemical effects on target cells. The presence of specific hormone receptors determines the action of hormones. Hormones activate the cellular machinery, resulting in an increase in metabolism, protein synthesis, cellular repair, and cell replication. Hormones have an impact on all aspects of aging. Hormones have the potential to slow down the aging process and assist in the preservation of good health. While nothing reverses aging, we can employ techniques of preventative medicine, such as "the avoidance of risk factors for disease, optimal nutrition, adequate exercise, caloric restriction, antioxidant therapy, and optimal hormone replacement." We can undoubtedly slow down the aging process in order to achieve a higher quality of life, less illness, and a decrease in deterioration, as well as to improve our physical and mental health. This is genuine preventative medicine.
Hormones: Genuine Preventative Medicine.
The bioidentical hormone molecule is structurally identical to the hormone that is naturally present in the body. FDA approved compounding pharmacies are able to provide pure pharmaceutical grade hormones and compound them to the specifications ordered by your provider to meet your individual needs. "The pure biologically identical (human identical) hormone is either extracted from plants or synthetically manufactured."¹ Pharmaceutical companies cannot patent natural or biological compounds. Nevertheless, they have the ability to patent molecules that are chemically distinct and different from naturally occurring hormones. These commercially available hormones can create uncertain and alarming side effects These are the medications traditional western medicine utilizes. At Mountain River Health we prescribe bioidentical hormones
Thyroid hormone is metabolic hormone secreted by the thyroid gland and affects every cell in the body. The Thyroid hormone:
People who suffer from low thyroid function tend to experience:
Many of these aspects are considered normal aging or misdiagnosed as depression since it's hard to get out of bed in the morning. However, we know that these symptoms can be caused by thyroid insufficiency.
Testosterone is not only for men, it is also a female sex hormone as it improves libido and sexual performance. Total hormone replacement means restoring all of our hormones to the levels of our physical and mental peaks. Testosterone plays a crucial role in the physical and emotional health of women. Replenishment of testosterone in women contributes to the:
The NEJM reviewed testosterone replacement for women and found it the best therapy for improving energy along with estrogen and progesterone.
Estradiol is the naturally occurring hormone in our bodies. Estradiol is extracted from plants. Estrogen, derived from animals, is the name pharmaceutical companies call their product. Mountain River IV, Health, & Wellness only uses the bioidentical version, Estradiol. Read below for some of the benefits of using estradiol:
Let us help optimize your estradiol levels to be healthy and have the best quality of life.
Progesterone stands for pro-gestational or the hormone of pregnancy. It is absolutely necessary for the initiation and maintenance of pregnancy. Women in menopause lose progesterone, which protects against uterine cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Unfortunately, most doctors do not replace the lost progesterone with progesterone, but they use synthetic, chemically different drug called Provera.
Progesterone is another female hormone of equal importance as estradiol for the aging woman. Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovaries and is used to balance estradiol. It too can safely and effectively:
Ask us how optimizing your progesterone levels can help you.
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, and is derived from cholesterol. Any hormone that is derived from cholesterol or sterols is called a steroid. DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are all beneficial natural steroids. DHEA is the most abundant steroid hormone in the body. DHEA is the building block that is necessary to make estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
It is important to understand that we produce half the DHEA at age 40 then we did when we were 20. Some elderly people produce no DHEA whatsoever which puts them at significant risk.
The only time I felt normal was when I was pregnant. Otherwise I was miserable one week of every month. Now I feel great on progesterone - no more PMS, headaches, bloating, or cramps. Finally I'm back to normal.
I've never felt better in my life. Thank God I found someone who knew how to prescribe the right kind and amount of testosterone.
I could live without my husband, children, and cats. But I could never live. without my Estrogen!
I kept going from doctor to doctor searching for the cause of fatigue and feeling lousy. The doctors always told me that my thyroid was normal but I knew it wasn't. Thanks to being on the right dose and the right kind of thyroid, I finally feel normal.
I feel so much like a woman again. I have plenty of energy and sex is like what it was at age 20.
After my diagnosis of Lupus the only thing that made me feel better were steroids. But I didn't want to take steroids because of the side effects. Thank God I found DHEA! I feel like myself again.
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Even though you have been told your hormones are in "normal range," you may be experiencing many symptoms due to deficient hormone levels. If you want to feel like you did when you were young, your hormone levels need to be in the range they were when we were younger. What is “normal” for one person, may not be “normal” for you. And what is “normal” for you? Is that to continue feeling the way you do? Run down? No interest in things that you used to be passionate about? Foggy brain? Mood swings? Weight gain? Hair loss? Those are NOT NORMAL and can be addressed with OPTIMAL hormone supplementation that focuses on you and your symptoms and your health.
To become a new patient at Mountain River IV, Health, and Wellness, you can call our office or use our online booking system to schedule an initial appointment. During your appointment, we will gather information about your medical history and discuss your healthcare needs.
1306 East 17th Street, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404, United States
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Mountain River IV, Health, and Wellness
1306 E 17th ST Idaho Falls, ID 83404
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